Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My All-Time Favorite Natural Jet Lag Remedies

If your job takes you across different time zones and suffer jet lag all the time like my job does, you might be wondering about natural jet lag remedies. If you’re like me, I’m very particular about what I allow to enter my body. That’s why, when I got my dream job that allows me to travel four times a month, I had to do some research about jet lag and the natural jet lag remedies. Otherwise, I’d be wandering around disoriented or sleep-deprived which is bad for my job. Since I’m in sales, I must always be in tip-top shape during meetings or I won’t have a job.

This is what this Natural Jet Lag Remedy blog is about. It’s sort of my little place where I can write what I find out about jet lag and the natural remedies for it. It’s quite handy because I can refer to it wherever I am.

Just in case you’re wondering, I did find two products that I am using right now as natural jet lag remedies. Believe me, they work! One is Sprayology TravelEase and the other is the Da Vinci Melatonin tablets. I’m going to let you know now that I’m going to talk about these two products and some others I am looking into a lot because they’re the best ones I found in the market and they’re all-natural.

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