Sunday, April 18, 2010

Three Reasons Why Traveler's Defense is the Best Natural Jet Lag Remedy

I have just discovered the best way to combat jet lag, Travelers Defense. I first discovered this natural jet lag remedy when I saw an article about it online. I ordered it on the web and guess what? It’s the best natural jet lag remedy by far.

Here are five reasons why:
The Right Mix

Travelers Defense is a cocktail of herbal natural jet lag remedies. They call it the TravelSmart blend. Here are the ingredients you will find in this jet lag remedy:

  • Pau d'arco
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Lavender
  • Cat's Claw
  • Vitamin C
  • Chamomile
  • Melatonin
  • Zinc
  • Echinacea
  • 5-HTP
  • Valerian
  • Garlic
  • Licorice
All these ingredients are in the right doses so you will not experience any jet lag symptoms. Because their properties are relaxing, they also prevent you from experiencing traveler’s insomnia.

Natural Protection From Airborne Diseases

If you travel like I do, you will know that more and more people are traveling by air than twenty years before. Think about this. You are cooped up with other people in a small space. Some of them may cough and sneeze. Some may even forget to cover their noses and mouth.
The chances of getting airborne diseases is more likely in an airplane and Traveler's Defense protects you from those diseases because its ingredients are not only natural jet lag remedies, but natural immune boosters as well. I’ve personally haven’t been sick ever since I started taking Travelers Defense.

High Altitude Sickness Remedy

I traveled with a friend who rarely flies and she had the worst case of high altitude sickness. Her eyes would glaze over. She’d try to sleep in the plane, but she’s too anxious to sleep. She was miserable. I gave her some Traveler’s Defense before a flight and we were surprised when the flight was better for her this time around. She was just taking it as a jet lag remedy, but gotten an additional perk instead.

These three reasons are why I think Traveler’s Defense is one of the best natural jet lag remedies out there. I never leave without it now. I’d rather much forget to pack my toothbrush than my Travelers Defense.

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